Saturday, June 15, 2013

Module 1 - Freight Train

Bibliographic Information

  •           Crews, D., & Greenwillow Books. (1978). Freight train. New York: Greenwillow Books.

A freight train gets loaded with cars of different sizes, colors, and functions.  We travel with the train through tunnels, trestles and stations on its way to the depot.  Lots of rhythm words and color descriptions.  A classic.

My Impressions
I plan to use this book in my Story Time lesson later in the semester.  Kids from Pre-K to early 1st grade love this book because they can see the colors well, and it is a good reinforcement of their knowledge of colors and how trains are put together.  I don't let a year go by without reading this to the library classes at least once.

DeVinney, G. N. (1978). Freight Train/Rain (Book Review). [Review of Freight train, by D. Crews]. School Library Journal, 25(2), 131.
Two simple concept books for very young children.  One is notable; the other disappointing.  True to their respective subjects, Train passes by almost too quickly.  We want to see more.  Study each car.  Rain tarries and we are not sorry to see it end.  The difference is not in the writing; both texts are basic and unelaborate.  The dissimilarity is in the choice of subject and in the style of illustration.  Freight trains happen to have more pizazz than rein unaccompanied by thunder, lightning, and wind.  Also, Crews regrettably chose to illustrate Rain by depicting the falling rain a la 1970s Bloomingdale's chic in slanting lines of RainRainRainRain across each pages.  The effect is alienating.  Happily, Crews did a fine job with Freight Train's illustrations which aptly convey the excitement of a train rushing by in a blur of color. --Gemma DeVinney, Undergraduate Library, State University of New York, Buffalo

Library Usage
Perfect story time book for early in the year, or anytime you have young students that need to see color and action in a book.  Classic read aloud.

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